Our Lady’s Ranch Journal

Turkey Harvest 2023
We are so incredibly thankful that God has blessed us with the opportunity for wholesome work with our farming operation, Family Friendly Farms. November means Thanksgiving is upon us and it’s time to harvest our turkeys! Learn our process as we take you step by step through another day at OLR…

Temporal Work Yields Eternal Rewards
Farming can be hard work and oftentimes discouraging. Yet, God still sends us little signs to remind us that He is there and that what we are doing is good.

Planting God’s Garden
This month, we planted our annual garden, and we couldn’t have done it without God’s help and the help of our cherished community of friends and neighbors. The sun was shining and our smiles were bright as we planted a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Storytime: A Workday at OLR
What is a day at OLR like? While winters bring slower days and much needed rest before summer ramps everything up again, we still enjoy days full of farm chores, prayer, and play!

Merry Christmas 2022
“So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15, RSV)

Saint Stephen’s Pig Roast
We were blessed to participate in a feast day celebration at St. Stephen’s Catholic Parish in Sacramento, CA, by donating one of our hogs for the event!

Baby Buttercup
Meet our adorable new Jersey calf, Buttercup; read about the health benefits of raw milk, and learn how to make butter!

A New Addition to the Homestead!
It’s been a little while since we’ve had a dairy cow here at OLR. Well, recently, the guys decided that they wanted to have fresh milk and so banded together with the White family to make it happen!

The Fruits of Boredom
In this sweet little story, Chelsee White (a resident here at OLR), tells the story of her daughter’s exclamation of boredom: Boredom isn’t a bad thing because it leads to imagination!
Our Little Homestead Community
Several amazing people are currently living here at Our Lady’s Ranch in California and we want to introduce them to you…