We Are Building Catholic Family Homesteads
In a world where morality is subjective, children are left to their own devices, and the divorce rate is fifty percent, it is time for a new way. Our Lady’s Ranch has begun a new Way of Salvation that is guided by the Catholic Church and the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje. We have dedicated the last twenty-five years to a homesteading lifestyle that brings healing and restoration to families… And now it is time to share our experiences with you.
We Are Building
A Spiritual Way of Life
"A Way of Salvation"A Sustainable Lifestyle
"A People Set Apart"Catholic Family Homesteads
"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" -
We Are Preparing
For a springtime of Christianity
filled with peace & joy.For an age of good will
protected under the mantle of Our Lady.For a future of goodness, truth, & beauty
immersed in the presence of God. -
We Are Living
In the center of Jesus Christ
by centering our lives in prayer.In the school of Mother Mary
by hearing & obeying her counsel.In the model of the Holy Family
by following their example.
Farming vs. Homesteading
Homestead Types
A variety of homestead types are available to accommodate a variety of personal and social needs. The norm of humanity, since its inception, has been a clan community of the same family or the same tribe. In our modern culture, however, most families desire to live in different parts of their city, state, or country. But on a Catholic Family Homestead, an extended family can live together in their own neighborhood. And for those people who don’t have the option to be neighbors with their own blood-related family members... They can reside on a Catholic Family Homestead, living as neighbors with their family in Christ.
This scenario consists of a single family unit that desires a Catholic - Agrarian lifestyle with Christo-Centric values. Daily interactions allow many bonding opportunities between the parents and their children. Activities include sharing healthy meals together, home-schooling, gardening, on-site recreation, and prayer times that instill in the children a strong work ethic, while promoting the main purpose of life which is “To know, love, and serve God in this life, so as to be happy with him forever in the next” (Baltimore Catechism).
This homestead occurs when two, three, or more blood-related families of separate households decide to build a neighborhood together. Grandparents, parents with children, and/or siblings with children can enjoy this opportunity to live as neighbors. This multi-generational option creates communities with a variety of financial options based on each extended family’s needs and desires. After the pioneering family members start a homestead, then more family members usually follow.
This Catholic neighborhood allows individuals and families who are not blood-related to enjoy a community experience together through a strong bond of unity in Jesus. Each person or family may own property and/or rent a dwelling, while enjoying all the common grounds and facilities together. Farming tasks and daily activities can be shared among families for a more efficient and social way of life, while offering flexibility for vacations and/or retreats. Housing units are available for singles, groups of singles, and/or families who desire to enjoy the advantages of Catholic friendships in a neighborhood setting.
This fullest model of community life includes a variety of people with a vast array of ages, vocations, and occupations. Families, married couples, singles, priests, sisters, and/or other religious describe the possible vocations present here, while children, parents, and grandparents comprise the majority of this ecclesial neighborhood. Each dwelling unit is separated by land and landscaping to insure an autonomous living accommodation, while still allowing communal activities, farming tasks, and prayers to occur organically, to the degree that any given person or family wishes to engage in them.
Founding Principles
To live in Harmony with God, Nature, and One Another
To live in peace and share it with others
To live as Family
To live and move and have our being in Jesus Christ
To Support one another in trials and difficulties
To serve one another as Christ serves us
To help each other grow in holiness
To help others grow in holiness
To live in all that is of God and to exclude all that is not
To allow prayer to form our daily/seasonal routines
To pray, work, eat, play, and rest together
To enhance the beauty and production of the earth
To live and move with the flow of the natural environment
“Dear Zeiter Family ~ Thank you so much for opening your heart, home, and farm to our family last week. To say we learned a lot would be an understatement. I can honestly say that we have never met a farm like yours, but it’s what we’ve been looking for to emulate. The seven foundations of your spiritual life is something everyone can use to keep Christ in the center of all we do. We look forward to using your founding principles to help us to become a more Christ-centered family.”
— God Bless, Sean, Liz, Cecilia, and John Paul
“Beloved Zeiter Family ~ With deep gratitude we would like to thank you for your hospitality, kindness, and generosity, and love. Sister Josephine and I were deeply moved by your warm welcome and sincere friendship. Please know that we will be remembering you in our prayers. Let us remain united in the most pure and Immaculate heart of Mary. May she guide us to know, love, and embrace the holy will of her Son, Jesus. We love you! Your little sisters in Christ,”
— Sister Ines & Sister Josephine
“Dear Zeiters ~ Thank you so much for sharing your day with us last Friday! It was a real blessing for us seeing God’s goodness through your ranch, your lovely home, and your family. We left with so much peace, and ideas of what we want to do with our life and our home. May God continue to bless you all.”
— Love Bill and Fern
Meet the Team
Our Lady’s Ranch Ministry is organized by a father-daughter team. If you have any questions regarding a homesteading lifestyle for your family, feel free to contact us by email.
Philip Zeiter
As an architect/builder and devoted father, Phil raised his family in the country, away from the confusion of the world. With prayer and perseverance, he has developed Our Lady’s Ranch Ministry to share a homesteading lifestyle of faith, family, and farming.
Tyler Straight
Design & Outreach
The oldest of the seven Zeiter kids, Ty went from running the design and marketing of the family farm to traveling all over the country for missionary work and college. She’s now married with a little girl and still works daily with her dad on Our Lady’s Ranch Catholic Homesteading.
Our Lady’s Ranch Connections
Family Friendly Farms, LLC
Our farming business for grass-fed meats located at Our Lady’s Ranch in Grass Valley, California.
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
Missionaries that serve in ecclesial teams of priests, sisters, and laity
Disciples of Jesus & Mary
A lay association forming laity in prayer, discernment, and discipleship
Our Lady of Medjugorje
The holy place chosen by Our Blessed Mother to give messages to the world as never before.
Catholic Rural Life (CRL)
An association of bishops, priests and laity who promote Catholic family rural life
Catholic Land Movement
A community of Catholic Laity reestablishing traditional agrarian homesteads.
The Zeiter family purchased Our Lady’s Ranch in 2000. A lot has happened between then and now, including the gift of more children, who have since moved through many stages of growth and are now going off to college, getting married, and what… grandkids?