How to Start Homesteading
The #1 question we have received over the years is, “How do I start homesteading?”
In order to answer this question of how to start homesteading, let’s first define what it is: Homesteading is a wholesome lifestyle that prioritizes the family and the home in a way that is connected to the earth.
So homesteading is not a place, but a lifestyle, which means that you can start homesteading where ever you live. Now certainly, it is easier and more efficient to stay connected to the earth when living in the country, but that doesn’t mean that living in the city excludes one from starting to homestead. We just have to do the best we can with what we’ve got and where we happen to be at the time. There might be one family that is living in the country but is not really connecting to the earth yet because they are still learning how to do that. Whereas another family could be living in the city, but visiting farms and going on nature walks several times a week. And what about prioritizing the family and the home? Just because someone lives in the country doesn’t mean the whole household is homesteading. The key to start homesteading is simply to begin ordering your life towards family, home, and nature in a way that is sustainable and healthy, while coinciding with your particular living situation in the current season of your life.
So……. What activities can you start doing that align with the above definition of Homesteading?
Activities with the Family
Activities in the Home
Activities in Nature
Some of these activities may seem obvious — Game Nights? Cooking dinner? “We already do these things!” If that’s true then praise God, that is amazing! You are already on track for living a homesteading lifestyle. However, we can always build on these simple activities to make them more intentional and/or more Christ-centered. And sometimes we just need a little reminder that we’re on the right track.
For some readers, these activities may seem difficult for the current family situation. Whereas these ideas are all simple, they are not necessarily easy, especially when we live in a culture that is constantly trying to get us to move faster and spend more money. However, the reality is that true happiness is found in the slow and simple — in perfect little moments.
Remember, homesteading is meant to be simple because it isn’t about making a living at farming. It is about returning to a way of life where God, family, and nature are in the center. It means limiting the screen time that consumes us, and minimizing time away from the home and each other, so that the family can build relationships on solid ground, rooted in the home with God and nature.
If the final goal of homesteading is to live and work on your own farm, then implementing the above activities can help you prepare for that in a sustainable way. By limiting the amount of time away from the home or adjusting activities to rely on nature, you can save money, thus saving you from having to work more. Then you will have more time to spend with your family, while saving the money needed to invest in that farmland dream. Little steps can build upon each other to accomplish big goals in the long term.
For those of you who are further along in your homesteading journey and are ready to take that leap of faith into the farming lifestyle, our next post will address the question, “How to Start Farming?”
In the meantime, feel free to email us if you have any questions or comments. You can also join our Chat Room to talk with other homesteaders about their experiences to maybe get some more ideas or share a little wisdom yourself!
Until next time, God Bless.
Tyler Straight
Our Lady’s Ranch